
07 Apr 2019 - Tansy Arron-Walker

An overview of the fencing situation.

At present there are no fences on the land, though there are the remains of cattle fencing on the north and west boundaries, and along the west edge of the wooded ridge. These are now more hazardous than anything and will be removed. (Personal note: get a tetanus booster before starting!)

Boundary fences will be installed before we aquire any stock. These must be safe and high enough for horses, strong enough for cattle, and tight enough for pigs and chickens. These requirements incline me towards either a woven wire horse fence with an electric outrigger, or a living fence of ossage orange/hawthorn/hazel/etc. I’m leaning towards the living fence option for aesthetics and longevity, but will have to figure out how to exclude deer, and weigh the length of time until the fence is stock proof with the cost of building conventional fence and getting started more immediately.

Internal boundaries will be largely portable electric fence. The tree rows may also incorporate some living fence.